immigration uncovered podcast


James Pittman

James Pittman


Catherine Haight

Catherine Haight

Managing Partner, Haight Law Group and Founder of


Transforming Immigration Law: Insights from Catherine Haight, Founder of Lista

James Pittman interviews Catherine Haight about Lista, her legal tech tool designed to simplify immigration case prep with comprehensive checklists. They explore Lista's features and Catherine's vision for its development. Tune in for a glimpse into the future of immigration law.

Main Discussion Points:

  • How Catherine started developing detailed checklists at her firm over 15 years ago to prevent errors, improve training, and boost efficiency
  • Key features of Lista, such as legal analysis steps, document templates, collaboration tools, and robust customization options
  • Case management platforms and building future partnerships
  • Tips for new immigration lawyers on efficiency, including keeping detailed notes, investing in tech, and networking

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