immigration uncovered podcast


James Pittman

James Pittman


 Andrea Montavon-McKillip

Andrea Montavon-McKillip

U.S. Immigration Attorney helping LGBTQ+ families and professionals


Empowering the LGBTQ+ Community: Andrea Montavon McKillip

In this episode of Immigration Uncovered, host James Pittman interviews Andrea Montavon-McKillip, founder of Montavon McKillop Law, about legal issues facing LGBTQ immigrants. They discuss challenges LGBTQ immigrants face, including prejudice within the immigration system, asylum claims based on persecution due to sexual orientation or gender identity, problems with identification documents for transgender immigrants, and ensuring an inclusive environment for LGBTQ clients in a law firm. Listeners will gain insight into the unique struggles this community faces and policy changes that could help achieve greater equality and justice.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Reasons why LGBTQ immigrants may face prejudice from immigration officers, including lack of understanding about societal pressures to conform and erasure of bisexual identities
  • Risks involved in seeking asylum based on persecution for being LGBTQ, and alternative options that may be available
  • New USCIS policy allowing transgender individuals to self-select gender markers on documents like green cards and work permits, but nonbinary gender option still lacking
  • Importance of cultural competence and avoiding stereotypical narratives when assisting LGBTQ asylum seekers and immigrants
  • Ways immigration attorneys can make their firms inclusive environments for LGBTQ clients through educated staff, inclusive language and images on websites, etc.

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